Monday 22 March 2010

Parliament's reputation in tatters

At one time political shenanigans usually meant some form of sexual impropriety/infidelity, but titillating though the stories were, they did not strike at the foundation of trust in Parliament. But not now.

First we had the expenses scandal. Now we have two more scandals. One relates to failure by MPs to disclose free trips paid for by foreign governments. This issue has engulfed MPs from all three major parties. The accusation is that MPs who benefited from this largess failed to declare an interest when asking questions, putting down motions or debating matters relating to the government which provided the freebie.

The second scandal is that in which Byers, Hewitt and Hoon have become embroiled after making, how shall I put it, injudicious comments about the influence they have in relation to government decision making. The Labour Party has suspended them from the Parliamentary Labour Party. Amazing what the lure of easy money can do to a person.

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