Friday 19 March 2010

Dozycrat Spin

Four Dozycrat MPs have been instructed to apologise and repay money after falling foul of House of Commons rules over payments relating to second homes allowances. They accepted large one-off payments from the owners of an apartment block and in return agreed to pay higher rents. They took the money and the taxpayer paid the higher rents. You require only a modicum of common sense to understand that taxpayers were being ripped off as these MPs pocketed the cash.

Well, that give the lie to the Dozycrat candidate for Tunbridge Wells who claims the Dozycrats are the only party to clean up the MP sleaze issue. The truth is that MPs of all parties were at it.

Mr Clegg has praised his MPs for reporting their sleaze to the Commons authorities whereas Labour and Conservative MPs have done nothing. But not a word of condemnation for the sleazy behaviour described by a Commons committee as a 'serious misjudgement' . Classic spin.

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