Wednesday 10 March 2010

Here we go again

A fairly recent 'initiative' from the government is called Total Place. Some bright spark had the idea that it would be sensible for statutory organisations to work together to deal with problems as this might save administrative costs and target support more effectively.

It struck me then that the Maude Committee (1967), the Bains Report (1972), and the Local Government Act 2000 with its provision for community plans had all been there before.

Back in 1972 there was an 'initiative' called 'total approach' which looked at six cities and examined 'total resources and how to transform them'.

So, nothing new in Total Place.

The real issue though is not the better delivery of services. The issue is the policies behind the services. If the policies are wrong (which I believe to be the case), then it is the policies which should be changed, only then should consideration be given to the most effective means to deliver them. Simply delivering failed policies more effectively doesn't help the people or areas the services are intended for.

Total Place is yet another Labour wheeze which should have been strangled at birth. It diverts attention from the failed policies which blight communities and the lives of individuals. It is a pity Kent County Council has enthusiastically participated in this latest Labour initiative, but we should not be surprised. After all KCC is renowned as a willing lap-dog to this government.

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