Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Part 43. Religionless Christianity: too bleak to contemplate?

Are the phrases 'Religionless Christianity' and 'Secular Christianity' oxymorons?  Do labels matter given the baggage attached to them?

Postmodernism eschews all metaphysical concepts.  There is no God laying down absolute rules. All rules are made by humans, are subjective and fluid as they are interpreted as to their import through language. Postmodernism argues that claims to objectivity by the church are a means of its securing power and control over people, in other words guardians and gatekeepers of the only truth. The literalist Christian mindset endorses and promotes the objectivity approach.

The Progressive Christianity approach may offer  a way forward as well as making sense of Bonhoeffer's phrase 'Religionless Christianity'. 

Religion is not a synonym for faith. We considered in an earlier part the meaning of faith as set out in Hebrews 11:1.  Religion is bound up in church doctrine, dogmas, creeds, rules, regulations and approved scriptural interpretation.  You join the club and agree to obey the rules.  Religionless Christianity simply rejects these hindrances to faith.

According to this approach Christians should concentrate on action to apply the teaching of Jesus. Jesus is the focus of an active faith. What this means for individual Christians and the hoped for impact of the approach will be teased out in future parts.

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