Friday, 16 December 2022

Part 35. Theological influences. Section 3

Many years ago I was invited to preach at a little chapel in a rural area. It was an evangelical free church with a small congregation most of whom had driven quite long distances to attend, and did so every Sunday. After the service I was approach by an individual who stated he was a Calvanist, then a few more descriptive words I do not recall, ending with the word Christian.  What was I he asked?  My response was along the lines of 'just a Christian'.

I am wary of sticking labels on either myself or others. Labels, shields etc can be a badge of honour or the equivalent of a mark of Cain.  Our opinions, beliefs, faith etc should not be pigeonholed by a label and all the baggage that goes with it. It is for this reason I refrain from attaching a label to my views.  I am not an evangelical, nor a protestant,  nor a postmodernist,  nor a liberal, nor a progressive,  nor a Liberationist. 

My theology is a melange (not I hope a mishmash!) of interwoven strands as I trust has become evident from earlier posts. The posts indicate the outlines of my faith and theology. In Part 1 I stated I had a simple, not simplistic, theology. I leave you to decide on the accuracy of my assessment and attach whatever label(s) you deem appropriate. 

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