Saturday, 17 December 2022

Part 36 understanding the Bible. Paul and Inclusion.

The death has been announced of the Reverend Professor Leslie Houlden, a former Principal of Cuddesdon Theological College,  Oxford (Anglican) and latterly Professor of Theology, King's College, London.

Theologically he was a liberal and his assertions regarding Paul have been echoed in my posts.

1. Paul's ethical judgments ( on homosexuality as an example) were addressed to particular first century  issues and are not of universal application.

2.following on from this Houlden emphasised the cultural gap between between Paul's ideas and assertions and those of today.

It is for these reasons that I have argued that we should not read Paul to amplify, contradict or add to our understanding of Jesus and his second Great Commandment.

One can only hope that this approach commends itself to the decision makers in the Church of England as they consider the issue of gay marriage. In The Salvation Army there is the issue of gay individuals becoming soldiers and officers never mind gay marriage. The Army's General stated recently its doctrine was not about to change. (Query: is it a doctrinal matter.) In a 1976 report by the Church of England's Doctrine Commission Christian Believing (Houlden was a member) it was stated that:

Basically Christian loyalty is to God through Christ, not to any exact doctrinal formulations.

Will The Salvation Army take note and act on the sentiment of the statement and move to full inclusion? Don't hold your breath.

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