Sunday, 11 December 2022

Part 29. Conversion Therapy

I am fully in support of a complete ban on conversion therapy. In England the government has delayed the introduction of a bill to go through Parliament making conversion therapy illegal in all circumstances. A consultation period has ended but we are informed by the Home Office that there is to be further 
consultation.  Where is the pressure for this coming from?

One source is The Christian Institute, an evangelical organisation with income of £3.6 million in the last financial year. The Institute sets out its position on conversion therapy in its 2022 Annual Review. 

The Institute claims campaigners for a ban are seeking to "outlaw any preaching, gentle prayer or pastoral care that seeks to help people live in accordance with the Bible".

The Institute's implied claim is that their interpretation is the only correct one. Of course it isn't. Theirs is a fundamentalist interpretation which I believe to be incorrect.  As noted in earlier posts it is based on ripping passages out of context and ignoring passages which speak of God's love for all equally.

 It rejects the science which indicates clearly that sexual orientation is a matter of inherent physiology and not one of choice. There is no sin here no matter how much evangelical fundamentalists may huff and puff.

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