I do stand though by the word simple.
For me the Christian faith is the living out of the two Great Commandments of Jesus, exemplified by The Salvation Army's logo: Love God: Love Others. What could be simpler than that?
Recently this was posted on Facebook:
Don't confuse your path with your destination. The path may be rocky now, but it is going to lead to amazing places.
The Old Testament (OT) does not lead only to Jesus to the exclusion of all else. Christians read back into it for signs that it can be read to point to Jesus. On such a reading the OT may be regarded as the path that led to fulfilment in Jesus. We should focus on Jesus, not the path leading to him.
My simple theology is to concentrate on the teaching and actions of Jesus. It is sufficient. We do not need the writings of Paul, or others, seeking to amplify, explain, add to or limit the good news of Jesus
In opposing full inclusion for gay individuals, or seeking to support conversion therapy, bible fundamentalists are prepared to ignore the teaching of Jesus, instead relying on OT and Pauline verses. It is wrong., wrong, wrong.
I have no issues with studying the OT. It fascinates me with its many layers of meaning, its rich variety of styles and the story of God's relationship with His chosen people. But it should not be used to explain Christian teaching. We are not bound by the Law of the Old Covenant but freed by the the New. For Christians the old has been swept away so why refer to it for guidance? Certainly not for better understanding.
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