Tuesday 1 October 2024

Part 320. My Facebook posts

I administer a Facebook group entitled Liberal,  progressive and deconstructivist theology.

There you will see posts on mostly progressive, liberal and deconstructivist theological  topics. There are posts also on controversies and disputations within denominations, mostly centred on inclusion issues.

A significant number of posts are on social justice issues. They highlight the activities of faith and secular organisations campaigning for changes in government policy, both in terms of alleviating the effects of social injustice and systemic change to overcome the causes of discrimination, marginalisation, poverty, destitution and deprivation.  Clearly this requires campaigning for political action. These posts are, for followers of Jesus, illustrative of the application of the commandent to love your neighbour.

Overall my hope is that the posts illustrate faith in action from liberal, progressive and deconstructivist standpoints.  

I have also a page entitled John Hopkinson Theology. it is somewhat similar to the group mentioned above except it does not have posts on the activities of faith and secular organisations on social justice activities. Instead it concentrates on a broader range of theological discourse.

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