Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Doomed, we're all doomed, doomed I tell ye

The tragedy being played out on the streets of Greece will affect us all. The IMF/EMU rescue is conditional on the Greek government delivering a severe austerity programme. The chances of success? Slim in my opinion, and the 'contagion' will spread to Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor is saying that failure in Greece could spell the end of the EU.

The storm will hit the UK, as we have a worse debt position than Greece or Spain, unless steps are taken to swing the axe on public expenditure. The Labour and Dozycrat arguments about protecting the green shoots of recovery are hooey. Unless the cuts are made very soon the green shoots will be destroyed by a very hard frost. The myth the two parties peddle about the state of the UK's finances show neither is fit to govern.

The last thing we need is for future policy in the economic sphere to be influenced in any way by the Loony Libs.

Economic hardship is the nursery in which political extremism flourishes. Just the time then for the Lib Dems to propose a PR voting system which will give representation to the likes of the BNP.

Remember, remember, the Nazis in Germany gained power as a result of securing a parliamentary foothold through PR and gained votes by promising to end the economic depression in Germany.

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