Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Last day

I don't know about you dear reader, but I am suffering from election fatigue. Bombarded with leaflets, party political broadcasts, debates, news items, I have had enough. Thank goodness today is the last day of electioneering before polling day.

Tomorrow evening and Friday morning I shall recline in my chair, liquid refreshment to hand, to watch the declarations and to hear the politicians' reasons for doing better/worse than expected. Election night television is on a par with the Last Night of the Proms and the Cup Final for 'must watch' television. It is the tradition to watch.

There are also local election results to mull over. Here in Tunbridge Wells it will be interesting to see if the Independent candidates make any headway, if Lorraine Braam (the former Dozycrat Leader of the Council) can take a seat off the Tories and if the current Dozycrat Leader hangs on to his seat against a Conservative opponent who was once a Dozycrat councillor.

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