Monday, 1 March 2010

Will Cameron blow it?

The news that Labour and Conservatives are almost level in the polls may come as a surprise to some given the Labour government's dismal record in many areas - foreign policy, Europe, education, health, poverty issues, human rights, etc., etc.
Then again, maybe not so much of a surprise if one considers the traditional Tory faithful are in 'truculent mode' following the Cameron imposition of 'A' List candidates on constituency associations, refusal to promise a referendum on EU withdrawal, generally poncing around on policy issues and failing to launch an all out offensive against Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

Could it be that Boy Wonder 'Dave' will snatch a dramatic defeat from the gaping jaws of victory at the 2010 general election?

Mayor Boris tells us the bookies still think the Tories will win. The Tories believe that Lord Moneybags Ashcroft's millions spent in marginal seats will see them through to victory. I'm not so sure.

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