Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Draft Sustainable Community Strategy

Snappy title for the Tunbridge Wells Strategic Local Partnership document which will determine policies for the next fifteen years on subjects such as policing, health, leisure, housing, care for the elderly and all the other topics usually found in such documents.

Apparently you have to be on the Internet to comment (if the local press story is accurate). Well that cuts out a goodly number of potential participants.

To encourage the public to express their views there is to be a free prize draw. The goodies are: gym membership, free family swimming sessions and beauty therapy. That should get 'em in! Not much of an attraction to a single male who isn't keen on sweaty gyms. Pity the prizes weren't a little more exciting and attractive to a much larger section of the public.

I suggest the first prize should be lunch or dinner with Councillor Roy Bullock MBE, Leader of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. At least the winner would have the opportunity to give him a right old ear bashing.

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