It is my custom to go for a long walk on Sunday afternoons, ostensibly to exercise the dog, but really for my benefit. Our walk take us past a smallholding. Today we saw a boar and two sows in an enclosure. The boar was wallowing in the mud looking very content with life. Pig in clover.
Wish the same could be said of the other PIGS - Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. Each country is going through trying economic times and the position is made worse by their membership of the EMU. They cannot devalue, unemployment is horrendous and social unrest on the increase as workers ask why they should be the ones to suffer for the blunders of politicians and bankers.
Greece is the worst hit country currently, but how to support it? The German public does not see why their country should bail Greece out. Unless something is done the EMU will explode.
At this juncture enter the German finance minister. He has suggested that the EU should form an organisation similar to the IMF to handle economic problems of countries within the EU.
The problem is that this would require amending the EU Treaty with the approval of all EU member states.
Whilst I have no doubt Labour and the Dozycrats would assent without giving the electorate a say, it poses a serious problem for Boy Wonder 'Dave'. Having wormed his way out of the Tories promise of a referendum on the last treaty, the formula he used to do so will oblige him, should he become PM, to hold a referendum on the proposed change.
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