Sunday, 14 March 2010

Election 2010

The campaign is hotting up! Labour is promising to reform the House of Lords and make it an all-elected chamber, probably to be called the Senate. Strange, didn't Tony Blair promise reform in 1997?

The Tory press is raising the spectre of the Winter of Discontent by placing emphasis on the growing power of the trade union UNITE in Labour Party affairs. The probability of strikes by British Airways staff (who are UNITE members) and railway workers is something the Conservatives must be privately praying will happen as strikes will damage Labour.

The Liberal Dozycrat leader is refusing to name the terms on which he will do deals with the other parties in the event of a hung parliament. He dare not show an inclination towards Labour, which many members of the Dozycrat Party would prefer, for fear of driving anti-Labour voters to the Conservatives. My guess is that where the Dozycrats were in second place at the 2005 election they will concentrate their fire on the incumbent member's party and suggest to the third placed party's voters that they vote for the Dozycrats. A clear case of political split-personality disorder.

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