Friday, 26 March 2010

Something positive!

One of the problems for a blogger is that it can all become too negative. Mind you, there is plenty to be negative about as sleaze, lying, spin, incompetence and worse dominates the news with worrying regularity. There are lush pastures for a cynic like me to graze in.

So, I thought I would have a change of mind-set and be positive.

Currently I am engaged in a voluntary capacity on two projects, both at a very early stage. The first is how to provide life enhancing experiences for people in receipt of direct payments. I have come across a truly marvellous group in the West Midlands named Stepping Stones and I am hoping that the work they do might be replicated in Kent.

The second project is about how to ensure that people do not go short of food. Kent is the Garden of England yet there are people struggling to feed themselves and their families. I am working to bring together a group to commence the task of tackling this issue, possibly along the lines of a foodbank.


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