Monday, 1 March 2010

Housing Associations: Influence for good?

The National Housing Federation's Neighbourhood Audit can be found on the Federation's website:

The audit revealed that housing associations deliver more than 6,800 identifiable projects, many with a plethora of different activities, and hundreds of neighbourhood facilties like community centres, sports facilities and others, which contribute to the economic, environmental and social stability of our neighbourhoods.

The audit also identified that housing associations annually invest at least £435 million in this work, made up of £272 million of their own funds and an additional £163 million form other sources. This work benefits the equivalent of around one in ten of the population.

BUT....housing associations are basically private companies and come under no direct democratic control. Tenants don't get a look in in any significant way. Also, housing associations support residents groups which are reliant on the associations for their sustainability. The groups are not independent. In fact, they become part of the control mechanism of the associations.

What is needed is far greater support for housing co-operatives and mutuals which puts tenants at the centre of decision making.

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