Monday, 30 January 2023

Part 75. Justice for the marginalised, the oppressed and the poor.

The Salvation Army originated in East London, an area of squalor. Such areas existed in other cities and towns in the United Kingdom and the Army expanded to serve across the nations. Today the physical environment has improved as has public health, education and working conditions. However there are areas of severe deprivation extant today and people who are marginalised by poverty, debt, relationship breakdown, racism, homophobia, alcoholism, unemployment, homelessness, health issues etc etc. 

The Army steps in with practical help and there are many examples of the excellent contribution it makes to support people. The annual report on the Army's social work is available on The Salvation Army website.

All very commendable. However do the Army and other churches press hard enough to demand transformative changes to alleviate or abolish the causes of deprivation? One has one's doubts.

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