Why is there a disconnect between many churches and the population? Why are church attendances falling in all the major denominations? There are areas of stability and growth, mainly in churches which hold literalist/fundamentalist interpretations of scripture. Could it be that they have 'got it right' and those of a progressive/liberal persuasion are sadly disillusioned?
This is not my interpretation of the position. Those following the teaching of literalists and fundamentalists are chasing a dream looking in ancient texts for certainty, chasing a chimera. Those of a liberal/progressive attitude are seeking to make our faith relevant to the 21st century. I believe this to be the only way open to us to proclaim our faith and gain disciples. Our faith is focussed on Jesus, following him to establish his kingdom on earth, pressing for justice for the marginalised and oppressed, expressing our love for others in words and deeds.
We have to go out into communities and show the love of Jesus in action. We must love all, we must be inclusive, we must be beacons of hope. We should not be exclusive, insulated from the world in our church communities. Our faith should be based on acting out the teaching ascribed to Jesus in the synoptic gospels.
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