In my opinion our Christian life is determined by the two great commandments and the instruction of Jesus to follow me.
Christianity is not an armchair faith. We cannot sit back and luxuriate in the belief we are saved by faith alone. Mere intellectual assent is insufficient. Jesus calls us to action: to a dynamic faith, not a passive one. An example is to be found in Matthew 25: 31-46. Jesus us tells that if you don't help those in need you go away to eternal punishment. Those of you who do help have eternal life. Very clear.
In James we are informed at James 2: 26 that faith without deeds is dead. See also James 2: 24: You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.
Contrast the above with the concept of justification by faith alone, discerned by Martin Luther from the letters of Paul. I never fail to be amused by efforts to reconcile the two concepts. In my search for understanding some stage I may delve into the relationship between the leaders of the Jerusalem Church and Paul as documented by Luke in the Book of Acts.
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