Today I take aim at the real enemy of Christian faith. Not atheists, nor agnostics, nor humanists. My beady eyes are focussed on literalist interpreters of scripture.
A church may state its approved method of interpretation in its doctrines that church members are expected to adhere to. Doctrine should follow interpretation and not determine meaning. Doctrine should not be read into the meaning of scripture, rather we should derive doctrine from our understanding of scripture. As understanding of scripture changes so should doctrine.
The Salvation Army doctrine states:
We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by the inspiration of God and that they only constitute the Divine Rule of Christian faith and practice.
It leaves open the potential for a variety of interpretations of the meaning of the text. However the literalist fundamentalists within the Army have not been idle. Step forward an unofficial Army equivalent of the Inquisition: SENTRY - Salvationists Fighting For Sanctity. Some of the self- appointed roles of this group are:
* To defend the authority of the Bible as the absolutely trustworthy (infallible) revelation of the knowledge of God, His laws and the way of Salvation.
* To defend the sacred institution of marriage as described by God between one man and one woman for life. This union, as Scripture reveals, is the only proper context for sexual intimacy.
* To confront the propagation of false doctrine and teaching within The Salvation Army.
SENTRY states there must be no tolerance of deviation from Orders and Regulations for Soldiers of The Salvation Army. Concerns should be reported to the appropriate Salvation Army administration.
A sorry group, trapped in a mindset which permits no biblical interpretation other than its own and fearful of any challenge to the stance it takes. What confidence can the group have in its theology if it has to threaten to report individuals who dare to disagree with its stance?
The breathtaking arrogance of SENTRY is matched by a statement made by The Christian Institute.
Campaigners (for a ban on conversion therapy) want to outlaw any preaching, gentle prayer or pastoral care that seeks to help people live in accordance with the Bible.
Such arrogance. The Institute means anyone who wishes to live in accordance with its particular version of biblical understanding. Many Christians do not subscribe to what the Institute understands as living in accordance with the Bible. Thank goodness.
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