Monday, 2 January 2023

Part 47. Cheap grace, costly grace or both?

Options may be presented as stark alternatives whereas the reality is more nuanced. 

Bonhoeffer distinguishes cheap grace and costly grace.  

Kierkegaard argues that some Christians admire Christ rather than following Jesus.

In the case of both theologians  the cleavage is between those who hold to literalist interpretation of scripture, obedience to rules and moral codes to exclude those who do not conform, and the reward of salvation: and those who follow Jesus and work to transform lives of the disadvantaged in the present by engaging with the principles set out in the Great Commandments.

The distinction is clear-cut. However in practice many individuals have a foot in each camp. I love the language of the Book Of Common Prayer: the ambivalence and ambiguity of its theology.  Concurrently I have engaged in social justice  and action. However I do understand why in the age of postmodernity cheap grace is ignored and unacceptable to younger generations whereas costly grace with its concepts of justice and inclusion strike a chord. First and foremost I am a follower of Jesus.

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