Saturday 13 July 2024

Part 301. Goodbye to institutional religion.

I have mentioned before my dislike of labels and refusal to describe definitively my views on faith as progressive, liberal, deconstructive  or a mish-mash of these with other elements thrown in to the mix.  We should not seek to corale our faith into doctrines, creeds, dogmas and theologies.  Such is the road to  conflict within and between denominations and between faiths.  All a far cry from the commandment to love our neighbour. 

Our faith and its application should not be constrained by institutional rules and regulations. Sadly churches seek to impose limitations and boundaries on our beliefs and actions, to act as gatekeepers, guardians or sentries. The institution assumes primary importance, to be defended against  challenge to its doctrines and practices.

The conflict within denominations distracts from the battle for social justice and is not for me.

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