Friday, 16 February 2024

Part 240. Whither The Salvation Army?

An article by Peter Hobbs, a former Australian officer.

The UK Salvation Army event [ Belonging and Believing conference referred to in an earlier post] is a nice idea but the system is broken and the senior leaders don’t have the courage, the will, or the experience to be able to lead an organisation in the ways of Jesus. Those in leadership are picked because they maintain the status quo, status quo leadership is making sure rules and regs are followed and the idols maintained. Therefore the people in leadership have never had to think outside the box, they may be aware of theories, have some ideas, but unless they have actually modelled the reality of disciple making in community they won’t have the will to change the system. There are also very strong voices like Sentry that are bullying leaders to remain conservative, threatening pulling funding to Headquarters if the army changes. People are literally fighting with threats of pulling finances to maintain the status quo. The army rolls over for money, and knows it will die quickly if the money is pulled. So they bow to the bullies rather than stand up for what’s right. Many of the senior leaders have a conflict avoidance strategy so they let the loud voice run the show and keep their money. Selling their soul at the same time. There is no fighting for justice, it’s all words. 


The Army leadership right up to Lyndon have shown they don’t have the will to change, and have made it clear they aren’t going to change. A recent fairwork commission the army spent $10,000 a day on the best barristers to effectively fight to keep the status quo on the position a Salvation Army Officer is not an employee. Therefore not protected under employee law and have no rights like an employee. Meaning they aggressively fought to be able to keep on treating officers anyway they like and keep using the fear method of behave or we will move or dismiss you as a weapon. $10,000 a day to keep this unjust system in play. They have no desire to serve suffering humanity and treat people with human dignity, not even their own, their officers or soldiers. They are in no position to change and they literally have no clue how to change. The movement William Booth started is dead and buried. 

The other problem is all those who have tried to change have left. All the amazing leaders left years ago. There are plenty of Salvationists who want change but the system simply won’t allow for it or create space for it. It’s all talk. It’s not going to change. 

The way forward is to take the example of Jesus, stay with the people of peace and pioneer a brand new movement wherever life happens. I have not looked back. It’s sad that people still have hope that The Army is going to change. It is current leadership right up to Lyndon who have enabled dysfunction and chosen to put the idols and dogma first and people last that have created the demise of this amazing organisation. 

But this is the way. This is what Jesus modelled. For his disciples to be thrust out into the mission field. So we can reach all cultures not just those who love an outdated 19th century irrelevant religious culture. 

This is the way. Death of the Army leads to resurrection of Jesus!

Additional comment from Peter.

I've been to youth forums, change conferences, and have been part of the change, pioneering brand-new Salvation Army communities for 40 years. Leaders talk and talk, then remain in an appointment for a year or two, then move on, and nothing happens. It’s spin to feed their narcissistic supply and make them look good so they can get promoted in the system. The talk always leads to nothing because the system is too inflexible to bring real reform.

My team worked with the territory to create a youth and children’s trauma-informed practice framework, working with our trained and proven family therapist from the Bellarine Community. Tens of thousands of dollars spent, then leaders change and the report is put on a shelf. The leaders that implemented the reform got disillusioned and left the army. Nothing happened with the report and over $80,000 wasted… It’s pure incompetence and blatant disregard of people and their investment in the mission. Our family therapist refused to work with the organisation after that. 

The idol of the soldier's covenant holds the army back, and they fight to keep it as it is. No leaders have the will to change or the knowledge of how to update it. When suggestions are made and implemented from officers on the ground, the senior leaders get their noses out of joint because the narcissistic supply is taken away from them. They then punish the leaders beneath them for thinking and innovating. It’s pathetic, it’s weak, and absolutely messed up. Narcissism is rife, nepotism is also rife, and there is zero accountability for senior leaders' decisions because they make decisions about officers in the secret, faceless Gestapo-style Officer Review board. Lives of officers are managed by people who don’t have good interpersonal people skills and, regretfully, are poor decision-makers, and what’s worst is they are usually their “friends” or peers. It’s just awful.

An Army of dysfunction, abuse, and self-obsession. It’s too toxic to change. I’d suggest any new cadet to get out while they can. But then there are no cadets anyway… senior leadership still doesn’t see there’s a problem… it’s embarrassing and an absolute disgrace to the name of Jesus. In fact, it’s Idolatry and taking the Lord's name in vain. I’m glad God is working to create brand-new organic expressions outside the army.

This is the way.

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