Monday, 12 February 2024

Part 237. Campaigning: proposal to The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army's ability to campaign for social justice is limited by resource constraints. This is the case particularly in regard to campaigning below national level. Organisations responsible for social care, health, education, housing, transport do not have boundaries contiguous with corps areas. Thus campaigning for changes in the policies of a county council will need to involve a number of corps. Likewise with health trusts and housing associations. 

Given the resource limitations the Army has currently, I am proposing volunteer Social Justice Champions (or should it be social justice champions) form a virtual network to consider issues that arise which may impact on individuals in more than one corps area of influence.  To achieve this a number of matters require resolution.

* What is the status of SJCs? Are they appointed by Corps or are they simply a generic group of individuals with no specific/authorised status?

* What are the reporting and control mechanisms, both for individual SJCs and when acting collectively?

These are important points for both individuals and any network. When contacting organisations there is a need for both The Salvation Army and the organisation being contacted to understand SJCs are expressing views officially endorsed by the Army.

Clearly there is much more to be considered.

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