I assume my avid reader understands the phrase The West Lothian Question. For a description please follow the link below:
UKIP is a Unionist party. In recent months, driven partly by the SNP working towards a referendum on an independent Scotland (and the recent statement by PC that it is seeking an independent Wales), and by the acknowledgement that there is a need to resolve the West Lothian Question, UKIP has developed a draft policy on the constitutional issues.
Basically the Union would be maintained as a federal structure with devolution to the four nations. The policy is at an advanced discussion stage within the party.
The draft policy may be read by following the links below:
Should UKIP adopt the policy, it will make the English Democrats superfluous. The ED is a party of civic nationalists and is anti-EU and pro an English parliament. However, in recent months there has been a flow of ex- BNP members to the ED (some with high profiles in the BNP). This has led some ED members to leave and join UKIP as they believe the influx of ex BNP menbers will change the character and policies of the ED.
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