Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Part 137. Hey ho!

I came upon a post on a Facebook page managed by Salvationists.  The page states one of its objectives to be to defend the authority of the Bible as the infallible revelation of the knowledge of God,  His laws and the way of Salvation. In other words a literalist and fundamentalist approach to biblical interpretation.

The post:

Christianity does not "progress" with the times. If it did it would be a false religion. Do not be deceived into thinking there is a progressive form of Christianity. It doesn't exist because the truth never changes. Gods (sic) word is the same yesterday today and forever. 

The truth may not change but its  interpretation and application will change. Faith is not a fossilised set of rules to be  read in ancient texts. Christian faith is set out in the broad principles attributed to Jesus. Sadly some Salvationists ascribe to the old rules and not broad principles. This does not bode well for full inclusion unless the next General propels The Salvation Army into an inclusive stance.

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