As Christians we should follow the teaching of Jesus, in particular to obey the two Great Commandents, to follow him and work for his kingdom on earth. Our guide should be the synoptic gospels. We can dispense with the Old Testament and Pauline commentary. We must take care in reading the synoptic gospels as they were written decades after the death of Jesus. Thus it is doubtful that we can have success in finding the historical Jesus, but we do have a body of later writing testifying to his teaching.
Christians should not follow the bible, they should follow Jesus. The synoptic gospels set out the principles of the Christian faith. They are not to be construed as legalistic rules. They should be construed through the lens of love. Love drives us to tackle the causes of poverty, marginalisation and discrimination.
Many will disagree with my opinions. So be it. I do not seek to influence anyone to share my thinking. My views have been set out in greater detail in earlier posts. They are on public record.
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