Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Part 130. Support cooperatives (2)

Cooperatives are owned and controlled by its members. Each member has one vote. They are democratic organisations. Not like many churches.

The Salvation Army does not have elections except for its General who is elected by territorial leaders. It is run like an army with a top-down structure.

The Church of England has a limited democratic structure.  There are elections, not all open to every member, for parochial church councils, churchwardens, deanery and diocesan synods and General Synod. The bishops in General Synod can block motions. Archbishops, bishops and cathedral deans are appointed by the Sovereign on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. Control is vested in the top hierarchy.

Many self-standng free churches are controlled by Elders who appoint new Elders.

Doubtless there are denominations with sound democratic credentials and some which are not.  The important point is that formal structures do not reflect always the reality of the functional operation of power and control. Cooperatives have democratic control  'wired in' and this is sadly lacking in many churches where power rests with the gatekeepers. Christians should support cooperatives,  learn about democratic processes and seek to have them applied by their own churches.

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