Sunday, 27 March 2011

Rusthall Parish Council:

Things are hotting up.  I received the following today:

Again John, why don't you get in touch with the village association and help rather than rubbishing us? We are not born with intrinsic knowledge of local council matters and the new councillors will all take the training. If you think we all need educating then I am absolutely open to being better informed.

My concern  has been that the village association is acting as though some of its members will be the new parish council.  The association newsletter states: we aim to improve the infrastructure of the village. Not clear if by 'we' is meant the association or the council. Why should I get in touch with the village association?  I prefer to talk to the council. My hope is that candidates will come forward who have no connection with the association and be successful. 

Some vitriolic comments about those who want a parish council were made in the consultation process. Personal abuse of the rankest kind. My comments have been more of the prodding nature aimed at ensuring that a clear distinction is drawn between the association and the council.

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