Saturday, 19 March 2011

Is the political landscape changing in Tunbridge Wells?

In the late 1990s the Conservatives were in retreat across the nation in local government elections. But not in Tunbridge Wells. Following policy splits and defections from the Liberal Democrat group on the Council the Conservatives stormed to victory and along the way wiped out the Labour group on the Council.

Now it is the Conservatives who are in disarray. They lost their nerve on the regeneration of the civic complex issue, replaced the Council Leader, sacked sitting councillors and caused one councillor to resign.  the Liberal Democrats stormed to victory in a by-election and look set fair to make further gains in May.  All this at a time when nationally the Liberal Democrats are unpopular.

The new Leader of the Council, Plumber Atwood, so far has made little impact. Like a rabbit in the headlights he is waiting for his party to be mown down by the electorate.  The carnage of Conservative candidates will not be a pretty sight.

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