Love is for all regardless of class, colour, sexual orientation, wealth or any other forms of separation humanity is capable of making. As one reads the story of the son who wasted his inheritance and returned to be feted by his father one cannot but have some empathy with the attitude of the son that stayed with the father and did his bidding. A major attack of envy that the wayward son should receive such a welcome, almost a reward for returning, instead of being castigated for his behaviour. But that is not God's way. Love in indiscriminate, available to all equally.
We may think it unfair, that the profligate behaviour of one son seems to be disregarded, indeed rewarded, but in the economy ascribed to Jesus love conquers all.
Sadly some churches embrace division and exclusion in their theology and praxis. It is wrong and counter to the command to love others as one would wish to be loved, particularly if you were in their shoes.
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