Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Part 152. Beware the silo.

For some years I was a senior lecturer in jurisprudence, the only compulsory subject in the final year of a law degree course. Part of the syllabus was dedicated to consideration of the relationship between law, religion, economics, sociology and politics et al both at philosophical and practical levels.

The purpose of the subject is to draw students away from a narrow study of legal principles and invite them to think about the context in which the law operates.

The bible should not be read as the inerrant word of God. That is to place it in a narrow silo.  The bible tells us a great deal about politics, law, economics and society during the period it was written. The religious nature of the bible has to be read in context for its meaning to be discerned. So, we need to understand how our faith relates to present day contexts. Faith's application is shaped by context, the command of Jesus to follow him, and to love our neighbours

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