Friday, 3 February 2023

Part 79. Basic questions

"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car." Discuss. 

So what is it that 'makes' a person a Christian? It is not going through some form of initiation ceremony, nor is it 
any outward claim or manifestation. External trappings such as badges or uniforms do not make you a Christian. Becoming a Christian is an internal process of accepting the gift of God, accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour. It is only then that external signs are meaningful. 
Is becoming a Christian a mental process, a psychological change? In other words a mental acceptance and belief: faith? But what of individuals who lack mental capacity?

On becoming Christian a person should obey the two Great Commandments and the instruction of Jesus to "follow me". But how many professing faith do so?

More questions than answers.

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