Monday, 19 September 2011

Welcome to Fantasy Politics: a game for English Democrats

The English Democrat Facebook page had the following placed on it by one of the administrators:

Just like Labour are controlled by the Unions so UKIP is Controlled by the Tory's where many also hold dual membership in UKIP to control this Tory offshoot.

Whilst one may conjecture at the degree of influence  the unions have over the Labour Party, it is the case that the unions fund Labour, are entitled to representation at the Labour Party conference and vote for the Leader of the party. At the last Labour leadership election David Miliband won the vote of party members and MPs but lost the election to Ed Miliband who secured the union vote. (See also: published the day after my blog.)

However, I have no knowledge that UKIP receives money from the Conservatives, nor that the Tories have any constitutional role in UKIP.

My request for evidence of the ED assertion was responded to with more assertions.  It's fantasy time.

My experience is that the Tories loathe UKIP.  Cameron described UKIP as 'fruitcakes'.  UKIP candidates in marginal seats at the last general election prevented the Conservatives from winning seats and an overall majority.  The irony is that by so doing the Conservatives have entered a coalition with the europhile fanatic Liberal Democrats. 

In my part of the world a UKIP candidate split the Conservative vote in a council by-election brought about by the resignation of a Tory councillor. The Liberal Democrats won the seat. Last May UKIP won a seat from the Conservatives.

It may be that the ED 'strategy' is now to attack UKIP, particularly as it looks to be moving to a policy of supporting the establishment of an English parliament.

The ED has been encouraging the internal rows within the BNP and seen it as a fertile recruiting ground for recruits.  Moderate civic nationalists are leaving the ED in droves, either resigning or being kicked out. Moderate ED members are being bullied on the ED Facebook page.  What the ED 'leadership' did not expect was that UKIP would provide a comfortable home for ED departees.

I received the following comment on my Blog.

Steve Uncles with the full backing of Robin Tilbrook has actively recruited BNP members to the English Democrats. Since Paul Nuttall MEP's policy paper was presented at the UKIP party conference, whole branches of the English Democrats are getting in touch to organise mass defections! Uncles is the gift that just keeps giving.

So, as ex-BNP come in through one door, moderate EDs leave by another.

Postscript:  A statement from the admin on the English Democrat Facebook page:

I recently noticed on another blog that UKIP are trying to say the Tory's don't fund UKIP which is quite interesting as you will find with UKIPs dual membership policy many Anti E.U. Tories do in fact hold UKIP membership even though it goes against their own parties single membership rule. This is not made up by the EDs as some say as it is also well documented on many web sites. With many Tory's holding UKIP membership they do in fact fund UKIP and thus have influence over their policies.

Quite a climb-down from the original claim.  Ah well! 

1 comment:

  1. I think you will find that with UKIPs dual membership policy many Tories do in fact hold UKIP membership even though it goes against their own parties single membership rule. This is not made up by the EDs as it is also well documented on many web sites. With Tory's holding UKIP membership they do in fact fund UKIP.
