Thursday, 8 September 2011


My minor sortie into the current grief of the English Democrats (ED) had unanticipated consequences as sundry followers, Uncles' haters, commentators and  bile-merchants lit upon my piece.

The original article:

expressed the view that Mr Uncles had made friends and enemies during his period with the ED. Nothing surprising in that: it happens in all political parties.  My article went on to highlight four pieces on the English Passport blog, which I believe is 'owned' by Mr Uncles although he lays claim only to being 'a contributor'.

The articles I highlighted were:

1. His claim that modern English Nationalism supports a united Ireland without any right of self determination for the people of Ulster.

2. His disgraceful description of a person ,who committed suicide a few years ago,  as  being a fascist for not supporting an English parliament.

3. His  dubious claim that he is supported by the vast majority of 'English Patriots'.

4. The publication (unattributed) of an incendiary article on the blog asserting that the test of a person's nationalism is based solely on biological factors.  Adolph would have been proud. See:

Much to my surprise Mr Uncles published my article on his blog.  I think he may have thought my article was supportive, although a moment's reflection on the inclusion of the four points listed above, should have set something ringing not only in his head but also those who have commented since. 

Apparently not.

In the very small world of right-wing political parties matters, which do not even show up on the radar of the vast majority of the population, have an importance attached to them which is laughable. Currently the BNP is undergoing severe stresses, as did its predecessor organisations.  One consequence has been a flow of ex-BNP members seeking to join the ED.  Should they be let in?   The risk for the ED is that many of the ex-BNP are quite savvy politically relatively speaking and could probably 'take over' the ED in a short time.   Quite a worry for the ED, but Mr Uncles is not, shall we say,  unduly concerned.  Maybe a lurch to the right is where he and others wish to lead and 'position' the party?

Another major concern relates to the communication/contact with Sinn Fein (SF) undertaken by Mr Uncles with full knowledge of the Leader of the ED, Mr Tilbrook, but the ignorance of almost everyone else.  I imagine any link between ED and SF would spell suicide for the electoral prospects of the ED, yet the idea of a united Ireland is still hawked on the English Passport blog.

Concerns over the direction of the ED has led to a number of high profile ED members' resignations as well as leakage of ordinary members.  Where do such people turn? The problem is that the other english nationalism/ english parliament parties are miniscule.  Should UKIP come up with a stronger policy on English devolution it may prove attractive to ED members who will not rub shoulders with ex BNP members or Sinn Fein fellow-travellers.


  1. Well done John! At last you have woken up. It took some of us to point this out to you ages ago while you were going on the EDP Facebook page and calling Uncles and the other leaders "politically savvy" - and we got blocked by you for our pains. Welcome back to Planet Earth

  2. well said John political naivety is a understatement of uncles . I ran in rossendale and took the fight to the lib-lab-cons but uncles and others Dont like success it threaterns there power base hence you do better than them and your out. me 14.7 % uncles 1%? enough said
