Thursday, 26 May 2011

Rusthall Village Association: the future

A leaflet circulated in the village asks if the Association should change its name?  Why should it?  It is a known name and the fact a parish council has been formed is no reason of itself to change the name.

The Association is distinct from the parish council.

The Association is a private body, consisting of its members.  The parish council is a statutory body answerable to the electorate. It would be a big mistake to think that the Association should cease to have a campaigning function simply because the parish council will be campaigning also on behalf of the village.

There has been much talk of the parish council consulting on issues.  It is in this regard that there is an important role for the Association: to act as a conduit for consultation and to facilitate a forum for residents to discuss issues.  The government is encouraging localism, participation and civic engagement.  The formation of a parish council is a step along these paths, not an end in itself.  The council will have to be responsive to the views of residents (and I do not doubt will be).  Community engagement requires collaborative working between statutory and voluntary organisations and also ensuring people have confidence that their voices will be listened to.

The worst things that could happen would be for the Association to become the cheerleader for the parish council or to withdraw from a campaigning role.

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