Friday, 6 May 2011

New Blood on Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

The one major surprise is the UKIP victory in the ward in which I live, Rusthall.  As I mentioned in previous blogs, the Conservative election address was somewhat self-congratulatory.  UKIP concentrated its effort in the ward: three election leaflets, the candidate pressing the flesh on the High Street and extensive canvassing by the candidate.  The new councillor is the first UKIP councillor on Tunbridge Wells Borough Council.  A gain from the Tories. The Lib Dem was only 20 votes behind the Conservative and I cannot help but feel that with more effort the Lib Dems could have won the seat.  Next year the Leader of the Council is the retiring Conservative councillor. 

Labour gained a seat in Southborough from the Conservatives and re-gain a presence on the Council.

The Lib Dems must be disappointed at losing St John's to the Conservatives.

In Frittenden and Sissinghurst the Independent beat the Conservative candidate. The Independent was a sitting Conservative (indeed the Chairman of the Conservative Group on the Council).  I wonder how long it will be before he is re-admitted to the Conservative Party and the Conservative Group?

The Conservatives held Pembury having lost a seat to the Lib Dems at a by-election earlier this year. UKIP contested the by-election but did not put up a candidate for the current round of elections.

The upshot is that the Conservatives lost 3 seats, 1 to UKIP, 1 to Labour and 1 to an Independent  and gained 1 from the Lib Dems.

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