Friday, 8 April 2011

A tale of two Leaders

The former Leader of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, Roy Bullock, came out with a robust defence of development proposals for the Great Hall car park site in Tunbridge Wells, based on a persuasive analysis, in a letter to the Courier.

An article in the same newspaper refers to a dearth of retail space being a  'major issue' with thirty key businesses or brands wanting to come to Tunbridge Wells.  A survey indicates that more retailers want to move to Tunbridge Wells rather than Crawley, Maidstone or Ashford but are constrained by lack of space. Roy Bullock understood the issues and came up with a process to deal with them.  Unfortunately his failure to consult brought about his downfall, or rather, was the excuse which enabled his opponents to bring him down.

Sadly, Roy's clear headed thinking is not shared by his successor, Robert 'Plumber' Atwood. The Courier carries his comments thus:

When asked if the Morrisons, cinema and Town Hall sites could be the key to its retail growth (he) said: absolutely this is a possibility we have to explore.  We are not in a position to say absolutely yes or no, but we would be foolish not to explore the opportunities they might present.  I would like to have better communication with the business lobby.

What on earth has he being doing over the past three months?  Surely this matter should have been explored or in the process of being explored, not something we have to explore?  He wants better communication with the business lobby - well get out there and communicate!

So far, the Aspic Brigade has made the running. Let us hope that at long last the penny has dropped that the route this bunch hopes to take Tunbridge Wells is the path to economic suicide.  Open the dialogue with business and go for full throttle regeneration.


  1. Gabriella Coscia8 April 2011 at 19:28

    Ah but the trouble is have you been to Royal Victoria Place recently. A number of closing down sales going on and many retailers now closed in TW including Past Times, Whittards, Animal, Running Bare, Disney Store, Between the Lines, I could go on.

    Leases are far too expensive in RVP

  2. But we have to look beyond the current recession. The survey indicates that the big players who want to come in need far larger premises than those available in RVP.
