Saturday, 23 April 2011

The dynamism of an hiberating tortoise

Page four of this week's local newspaper The Courier is a free election leaflet for the Conservative Party ahead of the local elections.  All is well, steady  as she goes, Captain Bob is at the tiller to steer the Council safely through the dangers ahead.   The Conservative crew are all happy bunnies.

The message from Councillor Atwood goes along the lines, I want modernisation where it is needed, I want to consult with the world and his wife and at some time in the distant future we may, just may, make a decision.  Decisive stuff.

The latest wheeze is to call for a 'town-centre master plan' to add to the plethora of plans, surveys and consultations that exist already quite apart from the statutory documents required for planning application purposes.

One interesting paragraph in the report is the following:

He (Councillor Atwood) said after scrutinising the detail of the Tunbridge Wells Regeneration Company...he was happy with its terms.

That will disappoint a few people.

One might well ask why Councillors Jukes and Glen Hall resigned from the company?

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