Saturday, 18 January 2025

My theology.

Two very similar posts of mine on a private group on Facebook The Lasting Supper.

There was a time when I was recently divorced, penniless, homeless, unemployed and living many miles from my home town. I was sofa-surfing in properties situated in an area of multiple deprivation. Eventually I secured employment, accommodation and rebuilt my life. It was a torrid time but I had some advantages: a degree, a driving licence and determination to climb out of the morass I had walked into.

For me poverty and destitution are not concepts. They are a reality I have experienced. The desperation, despair, fear and depression that comes with poverty is very real. Many in such a situation perceive no way out or end to their misery or misfortune. It is a life sentence with little prospect of parole. It is a life in chains created by a society that cares little for them. Mitigation may be available in the form of foodbanks, warm areas, soup kitchens and free clothing. But such provision does not resolve the causes of the factors leading to poverty and destitution. The so-called safety net is not fit for purpose.

For followers of Jesus the imperative must be for systemic change to achieve social justice and indeed bring his kingdom on earth.
11th December 2024

the 1980s I was divorced, unemployed, homeless and living in poverty, all at the same time. My locality was an area of multiple deprivation. The worst feature was uncertainty; when would the nightmare end, if ever?

My experiences during this time influenced strongly my theological thinking and steered me in the direction of progressive and liberation theology. These experiences were the driving force to my involvement as a trustee with homelessness and mental health charities as well as supporting community groups in areas of multiple deprivation campaigning for change. It led also to my campaigning for new credit unions and foodbanks.

Helping individuals at point of need is palliative: it does not promote the required systemic change in the policies of government and attitudes in society.

As I deconstructed I was drawn to the conclusion that all that matters really is the concept: love your neighbour. This is all the theology I need. What interests me is how the concept is understood and acted on. 
18th January 2025

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