Sunday, 12 November 2023

Part 179. Not much love on display.

The General Synod of the Church of England meets this week in London.  The major item of business is a motion tabled by the House of Bishops concerning how to progress the issues surrounding Living in love and faith.

A divisive issue, this could have consequences more far-reaching than those concerning the ordination of women. Already, there are amendments, some tabled by bishops, and a group of conservative evangelical bishops  published a letter which is effect was a Pontius Pilate act decrying the whole process and in effect demanding the preservation of the status quo.

A number of matters are under consideration including the prayers to be used to bless married single sex couples, the process to be adopted for authorising stand-alone services of blessing, and pastoral guidance for clergy in a same sex relationship. For those seeking change the motion is proposing a far too slow process whilst the evangelicals seek to derail the whole thing.  Battles loom and down the line the evangelicals may well be able to block proposals from reaching fruition through their support from at least one third of the membership of any of the three Houses of Synod. 

It should be noted that none of the above relates to marriage of single sex couples by the Church of England but to blessings of individuals in single sex civil marriages, but not the marriage itself.

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