Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Part 127. Poverty in London

Travel across London and you will come upon areas of ostentatious wealth and neighbourhoods of multiple deprivation, the latter characterised by poverty, poor health, unemployment, awful housing, low grade criminality amongst other depressing features. It was ever thus. Read Charles Dickens novels to gain an understanding of life in the slums of Victorian London. Slums were to be found in major cities in the UK and sadly the new builds of the 1960s, whether in inner cities or outer suburbs, have failed to dispel the  ghettos of multiple deprivation. Society has failed people living in these areas. As Galbraith stated society has the means to tackle the issues but refuses to act.

The Salvation Army was founded in East London. Anglo-Catholic churches became active in areas of deprivation as has the London City Mission.  But all they can provide is direct support to a few of those suffering poverty, neglect or discrimination. They lack the resources to do more. It is a disgrace that voluntary organisations have to provide foodbanks, soup kitchens, warm areas, clothing exchanges and the like.  

I have not noted any political party espouse as a priority the cause of those living in areas of multiple deprivation.  Faith groups and individuals must fill the void, must stand up and campaign for policies to eradicate the factors underpinning deprivation, poverty and marginalisation. Jesus calls upon us to love our neighbour and help those in need.

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