I read the bible seeking to interpret and understand from the words the meaning, the message, the ideas, the concepts Jesus conveys to us. I concentrate on the synoptic gospels. It is a voyage of discovery for me to seek to discern the teaching of Jesus and how to give it practical effect. It all distills into obeying the two Great Commandments and with it the pursuit of social justice.
I do not regard the bible as a rulebook or an instruction manual to be followed precisely and slavishly. That is the way to legalism and control freakery, much loved by a fundamentalist literalist mindset. Rather, I consider it to be guidance, encouragement and support in the pursuit of His Kingdom on earth, in pursuit of social justice. It is empowering, it is inclusive. It is outward looking and dynamic. Indeed the very opposite of the legalistic, introspective attitude prevalent in fundamentalist circles.