Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The temperature is rising

Plenty of heat being generated, but will there be light?

The link below leads to a report on Cameron's negotiating position at the imminent EU summit.  Will he achieve his desired outcomes?  We shall know soon, but of one thing we can be sure: it will not stop the clamour for repatriation of powers or withdrawal from the EU.  What happens should Cameron  use the veto?  Uncharted waters.  However we must keep firmly in view that the proposals from Merkozy and von Rompuy only deal with control and enforcement of national budgets and have nothing to offer issues of growth and dealing with the democratic deficit.


The Rompuy document: http://www.scribd.com/doc/74989322/Van-Rompuy-report-Towards-a-stronger-economic-union . See also: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16062378

The impression is that the EU elites still do not 'get it'. In this context an interesting report on comments by Jack Straw.


Finally the Germans are becoming nervous as citizens of other nations begin to draw comparisons with the less savoury aspects of German history.

Europe shudders at Germany's new-found power.

Heating up nicely.

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