Saturday, 31 July 2010

Town Hall PR: Soften up the public to Hawkenbury move

The official line of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council is that no decision has been taken about moving the Council's administrative base to the former Land Registry building at Hawkenbury.

However in this week's edition of The Courier is a two page spread about the town hall. The Courier reporter was given access to the building, staff were posed for photographs and there were interviews with staff. The general tenor of the interviews was that the town hall is not a suitable building. Well, well, what a surprise.

Mind you, I would have been amazed if the responses had been that staff wished to remain at the town hall.

The article is an inept attempt by the Council to soften up the public to the idea that the Council should move to Hawkenbury. No decision taken? Maybe not formally, but informally it looks as though it has.

Alistair Tod has made the pertinent point that the inside of the town hall could be reconfigured.

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