Monday, 28 June 2010

Frankly, I couldn't give a damn

At my age I am past caring if people like me or dislike me: ignore me or listen to me. It doesn't matter a damn. Now, don't misunderstand what I am saying. Except in a very few instances, I do not go out and seek by my actions to upset or offend. On the other hand, I am not one to pussyfoot around for the sake of being polite.

Thinking about it, I have been the same for years, probably since the age of 16. The shrinks might put it down to the death of my father when I was 16 having an effect on my 'world view'.

I have seen myself for quite a few years as being a nuisance to authority as I seek to advance the cause of the poor and vulnerable in our society: not caring what others think of me. On more than one occasion I have resigned from positions on what I regarded as a matter of principle.

So, you may imagine my surprise when I was described by a current Tunbridge Wells councillor as a highly respected past councillor. Ye gods, I left the Council in 2000. It's almost as though I am a member of the local establishment. I must change my PR adviser.

Recently someone wrote that I was a fine orator. Years of lecturing and talks in churches (I refuse to use the word 'sermon') has enabled me to acquire a few speaking skills. Unfortunately, opportunities to display my skills are few and far between in an age when the soundbite and five minute presentation (supported by the dreaded and dreadful PowerPoint slides) is all the rage.

I plod along seeking a better world and have managed to avoid the yuk of awards. It has always struck me as odd that people who volunteer should fall over themselves to enter competitions to win an award. Why do they do it? Maybe it is the Groucho Marx in me. He said he would never belong to a club which would have him as a member. A sound concept.

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