Wednesday, 28 April 2010

More election literature

The latest missive to be pushed through my letter box is from UKIP. UKIP is campaigning for accident and emergency services to be retained at the Kent & Sussex Hospital - as is the Green Party. The argument is that this service is needed in the centre of town.

Absolutely ludicrous - indeed barmy! On cost grounds alone it is a non-starter (there are going to be savage cuts in public spending), quite apart from the loss of receipts from the sale of the K & S site.

What UKIP and the Green Party should remember is that the K & S has a large catchment area and the move to Pembury will be of great benefit to all living to the east of Tunbridge Wells and people living in and around Tonbridge. But never mind, let's be parochial.

Has either of the parties informed the electorate of Tonbridge what they are saying in Tunbridge Wells?

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