Saturday, 23 May 2020

Planning Application: Rusthall

In 2019  Inspector C Osgathorp on behalf of The Planning Inspectorate allowed an appeal against the decision of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) to refuse planning permission for a three-bedroom, three homes terrace on land adjoining the Red Lion Pub. 

The decision of C Osgathorp in full is on TWBC's website.

The original application had been opposed by local residents, Rusthall Parish Council, Kent County Council and TWBC on road safety grounds.

TWBC has received a planning application to change the proposed developed into a terrace of three four-bedroom houses.  Local residents have opposed the application on road safety grounds.

In the meantime the developer has started ground levelling and utilities work.  An access road has been driven into the site and the sight lines for traffic coming upon the junction are clear to see.  The worst fears of the protesters look like being realised.  Remember the name: C. Osgathorp.