Thursday, 26 September 2019

Tunbridge Wells Proposed New Theatre

Tunbridge Wells is in decline as a shopping destination.  Walk round the shopping mall and retail based streets and you will see many empty shops.  The decline in high street shopping is not unique to Tunbridge Wells as more people use internet shopping or out-of-town retail parks.  So what can be done to prevent the town being overrun by charity shops?  There has to be a reason or reasons why people come into the town centre.

The council developed a plan for a new theatre to replace the ageing Assembly Hall, a building that is no longer suitable for purpose and will remain so even if huge sums are spent on renovations.  Start again with a new building that will attract first rate productions.   But sadly a bunch of political has-beens, local foghorns and the self-interested raised objections.  This bunch are happy to see the second-rate and second class continue quite oblivious to the need for change.  When a car wears out you change it.  The Assembly Hall is worn out, send it to the junk yard.